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GeoSolutions specialises in the processing and disseminating raster and vector geospatial data with Open Source software according to the standards created by the Open GeoSpatial Consortium (OGC) and the ISO Technical Committee 211, which provide the base building blocks for the INSPIRE regulations. The GeoSolutions team comprises renowned international professionals with leading roles in some of the main Open Source products for the geospatial field, like GeoServer, GeoNetwork, MapStore, and GeoNode, for which GeoSolutions provides Enterprise Support Services, Subscription Services, and Professional Training Services.

Geographic Solutions Systems offers a collection of courses as a collaborative effort by Geographic Solutions Training Team members. The team members include John Marks, Training Lead; Dan Fitzgerald, Workforce and UI Trainer; Chris Cekan and Brandon Martin. They have 80 years of combined training experience, providing specialised training to over 35 states and territories across the United States. Their training curriculum includes subjects directly related to the topics of these courses, as well as unemployment compensation and other system modules.

Their training has helped educate thousands of workforce staff members every year. The content provided in these courses is derived directly from their client training agendas and curriculums. They provide training using multiple formats, including virtual or webinar training and onsite training with the client. They are also experts with decades of experience creating formal instructor and user guides for all the modules comprising Geographic Solutions systems.

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