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Maxim Kozlov is a cellist, teacher, performer and founder of the Cellopedia Project. He grew up in Russia and was raised by a single mother to go through rigorous professionally oriented training from the age of six. He received a Master's degree from the Ural State Conservatory in Russia, a Graduate Performing Diploma at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University in the USA and a Doctor of Musical Arts from the Moscow State Conservatory in Russia. Maxim currently lives in the US. He enjoys a busy schedule of teaching, performing and recording.

Maxim Kozlov has wide international solo and orchestral experience. His performing experience includes working as the principal cellist in the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin in Russia, the principal cellist of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra in the USA and the guest principal cellist in the Macao Orchestra in China. Kozlov has performed in over 700 concerts in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, South Korea and China.

Kozlov enjoys giving masterclasses and teaching. In addition to giving lessons in his private cello studio, in 2013 he created the YouTube project, 'Cellopedia'. With over 600 videos and more than 50 000 unique monthly visitors, it has become one of the most popular sources for video reference for cello pedagogy repertoire.

Free, Online Courses Created by Maxim Kozlov

  • Certificate

    Cello Course for Beginners

    1.5-3 hrs
    Master the basic techniques of the cello with the help of award-winning cellist Maxim Kozlov in this free online course.
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