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Founded in 1998, Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd (MEH) is an established voluntary and community sector organisation working in the field of social inclusion in Liverpool in the UK and is a key stakeholder and influential support body. MEH focuses on social inclusion through partnership to deliver projects supporting disadvantaged individuals into employment, training and self-employment and social enterprise development through a wide range of informal learning methodologies, delivering services to and supporting a range of excluded groups.

MEH has a structure that includes operational and financial management, development, delivery and administration staff. Staff members have expert experience in European Union project and financial management and delivery in various fields, such as non-formal/ informal learning, mentoring, employability and training. Anna Bellan is a programme manager and leads the delivery of a number of transnational projects. As a sociologist she has worked extensively on projects that support young people and adults from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and people with mental health issues. Experienced in inclusive and non-formal education methodologies, she gained a Level 3 Award in Education and Training, PTTLS and has implemented projects that enable individuals who face barriers to engage in non-formal and informal learning opportunities, employment and self-employment and entrepreneurship and projects that deal with issues around equality and diversity.

MEH has a wealth of experience in supporting individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate fully in society through learning. It has experience of running volunteer-mentoring programmes that support members of the community including ethnic minorities, isolated women and men, and people with mental health problems to develop their skills and competence in employment and self-employment. We have developed strong partnerships and have experience adapting innovative learning programmes and associated materials. MEH has led and been involved in programmes designed to empower people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their potential through learning including specialist tailored support for women, older people, migrants, BME communities, health, mental health and disability.

Free, Online Courses Created by Merseyside Expanding Horizons (MEH)

  • Certificate

    HERO Training Course for Housing and Mental Health Projects

    5-6 hrs
    Learn about Housing Quality Indicators for community housing and mental health projects with this free online course.
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